Hair Loss Treatment in Bangalore
Growth Factor Treatment for Hair Loss

Growth Factor for Hair Loss

Loss of hair can often lead to the loss of confidence. The medical treatments show improvement in about 60% of patients leaving a considerable number of men and women who are looking for promising alternatives to traditional treatments. Growth factor has emerged as a successful therapy for patients looking for a solution for their hair loss problems.

What is Growth Factor Treatment?

There are different methods to obtain Growth Factors. The blood is obtained by venepuncture under sterile conditions, just like drawing the blood for a blood test. Then, the blood is placed in a special kit to which anticoagulants are added. This is then centrifuged till the various components of blood are separated from the red blood cells. It is then drawn into the syringes for treatment. During the whole process, there are two very important considerations. One, all the steps need to maintain sterility to prevent any chance of infections. Two, there is no addition or mixing of any actives, which makes this a very safe treatment.

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