Why Microblade Your Eyebrows? The Benefits of Microblading

Why Microblade Your Eyebrows? The Benefits of Microblading

As the world is more socialising nowadays, facial looks matter a lot for every individual. If you are a young adult who is obsessed with your eyebrows' appearance and want to make them fuller and more aesthetic, skin professionals may suggest microblading.

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent, manual, aesthetic treatment performed by cosmetic skin experts to make one’s eyebrows look thicker and fuller. It is the method of depositing pigment to the skin epidermis in tiny, precise, natural hair-like strokes using a small blade made up of 7+ microneedles. The pigment is added under three layers of the skin, so the resulting eyebrows eventually lighten up.

Benefits of Microblading

  • Long-lasting results- After getting Microblading Eyebrows in Bangalore at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, eyebrows appear fuller and thicker for around 2-3 years. Thus, it’s a much better option than other salon beauty treatments where one would have to undergo the same treatment every few weeks. After microblading, a few touch-ups are all that’s needed and then one can maintain their microblading results for years to come.
  • Saves money- Undertaking any treatments that require continuity every month to keep up the results can get pricey after a while. Microblading touch-ups are needed after a couple of years. Thus, it can be a good investment of money and help one save a big amount of pocket expenses than any continued treatments. One can get more detailed information on Microblading cost in Bangalore by consulting the experts at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic.
  • Saves time- Just as microblading saves money, it can even save one’s time. Getting ready for work in the morning involves enhancing facial looks. Those who go for eyebrow make-up have the potential to get all of it wrong and even get late for work. With microbladed eyebrows, people would no longer have to worry about meticulously drawing eyebrows and the chances of it getting wrong. Instead, they could use that extra time to get more sleep or enjoy a good, healthy breakfast without haste before heading to work.
  • A safe technique- Microblading is a safe procedure only if it’s done by a skilled dermatologist or a professional aesthetician. The pigment that is deposited in the skin is organic so it can slowly fade over time without causing any skin reactions. To ensure organic pigment is used, one must ask about it with the aesthetician before going ahead with the treatment.
  • Painless treatment- The term Microblading might sound like a painful procedure to most people who hear it for the first time. But it’s not what it sounds. Microblading is a relatively painless technique that delivers the best results without any harsh recovery period or need for intense, months-long aftercare. During microblading, the aesthetician makes use of a numbing cream to ensure comfort.
  • No smudging or smearing- Eyebrow makeup can easily smudge or smear when one sweats or washes face. With microblading, the pigment remains in the area where it’s deposited and gets settled three layers deep into the skin above the eyes. Once the microbladed eyebrows have healed, one can swim, sweat, and wash face without eyebrows getting smudged or smeared. The microbladed eyebrows stay as it is but the microblading pigments do fade over the years.  

Good Candidates For Microblading

  • Anyone who has over plucked or overworked their eyebrows almost to the point of no regrowth.
  • Individuals who want their eyebrows to look fuller and thicker, adding to their facial aesthetics.
  • Individuals who are generally healthy and have no skin complications or chronic conditions.
  • Adults who hold realistic expectations about the outcome of microblading eyebrows.

As per Dr. Rasya Dixit, a leading dermatologist in Bangalore, ‘Microblading results rely mainly on the health, strength, and calmness of one’s skin. Therefore, any individual who has pre-existing skin concerns and skin treatments that can compromise the effectiveness of microblading is not suitable for microblading.’

This includes people who have their skin prone to skin issues like rosacea, chronic acne, dermatitis, and psoriasis. Moreover, people who have medical conditions like trichotillomania, glaucoma, autoimmune disorder, bleeding disorder, haemophilia, and heart condition.

Microblading won’t be effective on thin and sensitive eyebrow skin or skin with enlarged pores, deep wrinkles, sunburn, previous permanent make-up or hair transplant, bumps, moles, and piercings. 

What is involved in Microblading?

The microblading in Bangalore process involves the following steps:

  1. Consultation- The doctor analyses the candidate’s natural eyebrow to check if it's right to get it microbladed. Photographs are also clicked on the eyebrows for comparison, once microblading is done.
  2. Taking measurements- The positioning of microbladed eyebrows is decided by taking measurements using rulers or callipers. 
  3. Drawing eyebrows with pencil- This is just done to get an idea of the shape and positioning of eyebrows before starting microblading.
  4. Mixing colours of pigment- The pigment colour chosen should match the natural skin tone of the candidate and the candidate must agree to it before starting eyebrows microblading treatment in Bangalore.
  5. Microblading- A numbing cream is applied on the treatment area. After taking effect, the aesthetician etches tiny emulated hair strokes into the skin of the treatment area using a microblade tool. Once the procedure is complete, the eyebrows may appear red.
  6. Healing time- The microbladed eyebrows may itch after 5-7 days, as the skin heals. It's normal to see fading of eyebrows initially and then returning of the colour. 
  7. Touch-up session- To get the full effects of microblading, the candidate would need microblading 6-8 weeks after the first session.  

Microblading Aftercare

To enjoy the benefits of microbladed eyebrows, one needs to follow simple aftercare instructions post-treatment. These include:

  • Avoid wearing make-up for at least a week as the pigments are still settling into the shallow cuts made by microneedles.
  • Refrain from picking scabs in the eyebrows area or scratching the itchy eyebrows.
  • Pin up long hair properly to avoid it coming in contact with the brow line and irritating the area or causing infections.  
  • Do not go swimming or indulge in any physical activity that causes excessive sweating until the microbladed site completely heals.
  • Do not wet the microbladed site for up to 10 days. This means keeping the eyebrow area dry while taking a shower and not immersing the face completely in water while taking a bath.
  • Apply any medicated topical skin product or a healing balm onto the microbladed site as recommended and instructed by the aesthetician.

Ready to become full-browed beauties?

At Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, our expert aestheticians and skin experts can help you get elegant, beautiful lashes with microblading.

Contact us to get more information about semi-permanent make up or microblading in Bangalore or book an appointment with us today!