What Causes Large Pores and How Do I Treat Them?

What Causes Large Pores and How Do I Treat Them?

Our skin is covered with pores- the small openings to release oils and sweat and help the skin breathe. These pores are connected to the hair follicles. Just as skin type varies for every individual, pores are also unique for everyone. The skin pores can vary in their types and sizes- large or small; clear or clogged; and in other ways. When pores become enlarged, they become visible to the naked eye, similar to strawberry skin.

People having large pores may worry a lot about their looks. The good news is that large pores are treatable. There are various home remedies and treatment options offered by Dr. Rasya Dixit, a dermatologist in Bangalore, at her state-of-the-art dermatology clinic to treat this common aesthetic skin issue. This blog covers the best of the available treatment options for open pores management. In addition, it also shares insights about large pores and their causes.

What are Large Pores?

Large or enlarged pores are the depressions in the skin surface containing one or more openings to the ducts carrying oil and sweat from sebaceous and eccrine glands respectively. Anyone can have them irrespective of their age, gender, or ethnicity.

However, large pores often are more visible in elderly people and those having African or Indian ancestry. Men usually have oily skin and large pores. Females may have large pores mostly because of their hormonal imbalance.

Large or enlarged pores are usually found on two facial sites: nose and cheek. However, for some, the skin problem may develop on the forehead and chin. Men may have large pores on their chest, wrists, or arms.

Causes of Large Pores

The main reasons behind having enlarged pores include:

  • Genetic predisposition- Genes have a role in determining the size of skin pores. This means if your family member has large/enlarged pores you may inherit the same skin concern.
  • Excess production of sebum- An increase in the production of the natural oils (sebum) in the skin can lead to the development of visible large pores. That’s because excess sebum fills up the sebaceous filaments- the structures that allow natural skin oil to reach the skin surface. The sebaceous filaments become noticeable and resemble large pores. Therefore, people having oily skin type or T-zone skin problems tend to have large pores.
  • The large size of the hair follicle- Each skin pore on the skin surface is an opening to a hair follicle from which a hair strand grows. Therefore, large follicle size would make skin pores look enlarged.
  • Aging- With advancing age, the level of skin’s structural proteins- collagen and elastin, declines. As a result, the skin pores no longer remain intact. The skin gets loose and the pores get bigger.
  • Sun damage/ UV radiation- Over or frequent exposure of the skin to the sun’s UV rays can result in the appearance of large pores. As per numerous studies, it’s found that the harmful UVA and UVB radiations of the sun reduce the skin’s elasticity and firmness. This ultimately causes enlarged open pores along with other signs of photoaging.
  • Comedogenic make-up or skincare product- The skin pores clogged with dirt, sebum, and dead skin cells can appear large. Comedogenic make-up or skin care products can leave the skin clogged. Therefore, it is recommended to use non-comedogenic skincare products or makeup that keeps skin breathable. 

How to Minimise Open Pores: Treatments and Remedies?

Minimally Invasive Treatment Options For Large Pores

Laser therapy 

It is considered as the best open pores treatment in Bangalore. Enlarged pores can be treated and tightened with lasers. Lasers can be of two types: Ablative and Non-ablative lasers.

Ablative laser is a type of heat-emitting laser. It releases intense heat that damages the skin surface and functions to repair small skin spots from the stratum corneum to the dermis layer. If this laser type is selected, fresh collagen is synthesised after 2-3 days of the laser treatment which minimises the appearance of large pores.

The non-ablative, pore-refining laser does not cause damage to the surface of the skin. It is targeted to the dermal tissues to heat them and stimulate new collagen production. This minimises pores and as a result, the skin looks finer and brighter.

Chemical peels

In a chemical peel treatment, the skin to be treated is thoroughly cleansed and then an acidic solution is applied. The skin is left undisturbed for a specific period to allow the acid solution to exfoliate the skin (remove the damaged skin layers) and regenerate it. 

The acid even encourages the natural process of skin regeneration by boosting new collagen and elastin production. As a result, the skin pores get tightened and smoothened. For reducing the appearance of large pores, the best type of chemical peel is mild/gentle peel: glycolic acid. Such peel will penetrate only up to the skin’s top layer and be required to be applied multiple times to achieve optimal results.


For clogged skin pores, clearing and shrinking pores to their natural size is easy with HydraFacial treatment.

HydraFacial treatment involves the following steps: cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, and hydration. All of these are done with a single device in one sitting. In the very first step, a gentle cleanser or peel is used to uncover new skin layers. The second step involves the removal of clogged materials from the skin pores using painless suction and then moisturising the skin with intense hydrating serums.

Lastly, the skin surface is saturated with antioxidants and peptides present in serums to restore youthful charm on the face and maximise the skin’s glow.

This is a customizable treatment as people can choose skin boosters, exfoliation products, and serums based on their previous experience with chemical peels and their skin type. 

After HydraFacial treatment, the skin immediately looks softened, hydrated, evenly toned, and refined. The results last for a week or even longer. For more details on these treatments and their cost get in touch with Dr. Rasya Dixit, Best Doctor for Open Pores Treatment In Bangalore.

Home Care Tips to Minimise Large Pores and Promote Healthy Skin

The top home techniques to minimise the appearance of large pores include:

  • Switch to the use of non-comedogenic, water-based skincare products.
  • Cleanse your face without completely stripping off the moisture from the skin. Look for gel-based cleansers, if the skin is of oily type. Use creamy cleansers to wash your face if you have normal or dry skin type.
  • Regularly exfoliate the skin, at least 1-2 times every week to unclog skin pores. Choose products containing alpha or beta-hydroxy acids.
  • Be careful when choosing moisturisers. Based on your skin type, select a moisturiser that provides balanced hydration to your skin.
  • Use clay masks to get rid of dirt, excess sebum, and dead skin cells from skin pores and to make them look smaller.
  • Daily wear sunblock of high SPF to avoid sun-damaged skin or drying out of the skin that makes the skin pores appear larger.
  • Keep the skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water daily.
  • Wash your face both in the morning and before bed. Sleeping with make-up or dirt on the skin can be detrimental to the skin.

Open pores, if untreated, can lead to acne and various skin problems. Consult with Dr. Rasya Dixit in Bangalore for effective Open Pores Treatment to achieve smoother and healthier facial skin. Don't let open pores compromise your confidence – seek professional help today.