All About Chemical Peels For Acne Management

All About Chemical Peels For Acne Management

Have you been struggling to get rid of acne on your face? Acne is a common skin concern that can affect anyone. However, it is mostly seen among adolescents and young adults. It can manifest in different ways, without causing inflammation like open and closed comedones or by causing inflammation like papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts.

Acne happens due to the plugging of hair follicles or the clogging of skin pores with dirt, dead skin cells, extra sebum, and sometimes acne-causing bacteria. Hormones, genetics, poor diet, stress, or certain medications are potential causes of acne breakouts. If inflammatory acne is left untreated for long, it may leave acne scars.

As you have landed on this page, you may wonder whether chemical peels can help treat your acne. Well, you are lucky; you can get your acne of any severity treated with chemical peels.

Chemical peels are an exceptional solution to clear up acne and also acne scars. The type of chemical peel that will be effective for getting rid of your acne is based on your skin tone and sensitivity. Professional treatment of acne in Bangalore with chemical peels by dermatologist Dr. Rasya Dixit at Dr Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic provides safe and faster outcomes than any at-home procedure. 

In this article, you can learn everything you must know about chemical peels for acne treatment with the expert details by Dr. Rasya Dixit to make better-informed decisions. You can also watch this video by her on acne management with chemical peel treatment in Bangalore-

A Complete Guide to Chemical Peels for Severe Acne Sufferers | Types of Chemical Peel | Dr. Dixit.

What are Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are chemical solutions or special acids used to peel off the top dead and damaged layers of the skin. An aesthetic treatment wherein acid is applied over the skin to chemically exfoliate it, it  is known as chemical peel treatment. When correctly applied, an individual can have smooth, healthier, evenly toned skin after a few weeks. 

Chemical peels have been used in the aesthetic industry for decades and can treat many skin concerns. These include acne, fine lines, wrinkles, scars, sun damage, rough skin or dull complexion, uneven skin tone, and pigmentation irregularities.

What are the types of Chemical Peels used for Acne Management?

Our skin is layered, so different acids or chemical peels must target different skin layers and address the patient's unique concerns. 

Chemical peels are classified into multiple types based on the depth of skin penetration and the strength of the chemical used. A dermatologist performs treatment with mainly three types of chemical peels:

  • Superficial or light peel: This is the mildest kind of peel that acts only on the skin's epidermis. It removes the outermost layer of dead skin cells using a weak alpha-hydroxy acid, such as glycolic or lactic acid. It is recommended for the treatment of minor skin flaws such as poor skin texture and tone, fine lines, and mild acne. Multiple treatment sessions a few weeks apart are required to achieve the desired skin improvement.
  • Medium peel: This peel can impact the upper dermis and the epidermis and uses a more potent beta-hydroxy acid, such as salicylic acid. It is recommended for treating deeper skin issues such as wrinkles, acne scars, and sun damage. The skin may take some time to heal, resulting in redness, peeling, and temporary discolouration. Multiple treatment sessions, comparatively less than superficial peels, are needed to achieve optimal results. 

Besides these types of peels, many other types of chemical peels are available on the market today. One such chemical peel is the black peel, which contains acetic and jasmonic acid and precipitated sulfur and was introduced to treat nodulocystic acne, a very severe form of acne. 

It is a resurfacing peel that causes a more aggressive skin exfoliation. It can be useful for improving the appearance of facial scars and enhancing other structural issues in the skin, including acne, acne pigmentation and melasma. One can expect some scabbing and crusting after the treatment.

A dermatologist uses combination peels for people with varying severity of acne alongside other skin concerns. A combination peel incorporates a mixture of acids, such as glycolic acid and TCA, to create a unique peel for each individual. This peel can help with several skin issues, including severe wrinkles, acne, sun damage scars, blotchy skin, precancerous growths, and hyperpigmentation. The procedure must be done under a dermatologist's supervision because it is more advanced, and if it is unsupervised, it can cause unwanted side effects.

How do chemical peels work?

Peels exfoliate the skin and promote its regeneration by forming new cells. As the acid used in a chemical peel treatment harms the skin surface, the body produces fresh collagen- the skin's structural protein. As a result, a fresher, brighter, and younger-looking skin is revealed from beneath the skin’s surface. 

How to treat acne with chemical peels?

A chemical peel is applied to the whole face with the help of an applicator after cleansing the face. The acid must not come in contact with facial hair and eyes. It is left for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the nature of the problem, to be addressed and then neutralised. 

After a detailed skin examination, a dermatologist applies a peel that best suits an individual. Before the chemical peeling session, an individual is prescribed a topical solution containing vitamin A and hydro-qui-none along with lower-strength alpha hydroxy acids to prep the skin for the peel. It is recommended to avoid excess sun exposure, use other exfoliating treatments, and apply makeup. 

Which chemical peels are popularly used for acne management?

Dermatologists mostly use superficial or medium chemical peels to treat acne. Peels include glycolic acid, lactic acid, mandelic acid, Jessner's solution, and trichloroacetic acid. Deep peels like phenol are used to treat deep-seated acne or severe cystic acne. Dr. Rasya Dixit can provide more details on chemical peels for acne treatment in Bangalore.

What are the Benefits of Using Chemical Peels for Acne?

The real benefits of a chemical peel differ among individuals depending on its type, the strength of the chemical used, and the individual's skin type and problem. 

In general, a chemical peel treatment offers the following benefits:

  • A clearer, brighter, and more youthful complexion
  • Unclogs pores 
  • Enhanced skin tone and texture
  • Boosts collagen synthesis 
  • Minimal downtime
  • Short recovery
  • Quick procedure
  • Painless treatment
  • Treatment of multiple cosmetic skin concerns, including sun damage, acne, fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation irregularities
  • Maximal absorption of the skincare products.

Aftercare and Recovery

Some patients may require pain-relieving medication for the first few days following the treatment, depending on the type of peel. Patients should take extra precautions after treatment, including washing and applying sunscreen. 

They must avoid using skin-irritating products, tanning, intense physical activity, and picking/rubbing/scratching the treated skin. 

The patient is advised to continue to apply emollients, moisturisers, and sunscreens regularly for the next 3–5 days. Exfoliation and peeling of the skin occur over this period. After that, the skin clears up. The procedure is repeated monthly or every 15 days, depending on the patient's condition, for further skin improvement. 

Chemical peels are an effective option in acne management. If left untreated, acne can lead to dark acne scars. To learn more on acne treatment in Bangalore, visit Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic.