Female Pattern Hair Loss: Causes And Treatment

Female Pattern Hair Loss: Causes And Treatment

Losing hair can be quite upsetting for every woman. Hair loss and bald spots affect about one-third of women globally during their lifetime and are most common after the age of 30. But, here are some medical hair loss treatments in Bangalore that could make a difference. 

What is Female Pattern Hair Loss?

Female pattern hair loss (FPHL), medically termed androgenetic alopecia, is one of the types of hair loss affecting women. It is a common aesthetic concern, a distressing problem affecting women all over the world. Studies reveal that by the age of 50, approximately 40% of women experience hair loss, and less than 45% of women reach the age of 80 with a full head of hair.

The condition shows up as generalised thinning of hair on the scalp as a result of extensive hair fall (more than 50–100 hairs daily), reduced hair volume, or both. Many people with FPHL frequently misdiagnose themselves as suffering from chronic telogen effluvium which is another kind of hair loss associated with excessive hair shedding. It is critical to distinguish between these two hair loss problems since treatment for each differs.

Pattern hair loss appears very differently than the more easily identifiable male pattern baldness that typically begins with a receding frontal hairline and proceeds to a bald patch on the top of the head. It is extremely rare for women to become bald just as happens in male pattern baldness, unless there is an overproduction of and-rogens in the body.

Stages of Female Pattern Hair Loss

As per the Sinclair scale, there are 5 stages of FPHL, including:

  • Stage 1: Minimal to no hair loss
  • Stage 2: Minor hair loss appears in the centre hair part
  • Stage 3: A wide gap is present in the centre hair part and even hair loss on either side of the part line.
  • Stage 4: The front of the hairline has bald spots.
  • Stage 5: Advanced hair loss or hair thinning throughout the head in a diffused pattern.

Female pattern hair loss can affect anyone and can be managed with initial treatment. If you are the one experiencing it, then get in touch with Dr. Rasya Dixit, a dermatologist in Bangalore to learn more about effective hair loss treatment that can help manage hair loss and promote new hair growth.

You can also watch this video to learn more on female pattern hair loss and their treatments, by our expert Dr. Rasya Dixit: 

What Causes Female-Pattern Hair Loss?

  • Genetics or Family History: FPHL has a substantial hereditary tendency. It has been found that females who have first-degree relatives with the same problem are more likely to have FPHL. The mechanism of inheritance of FPHL is polygenic, which means that multiple genes contribute to FPHL and can be inherited from either parent or both. Genetic testing for determining the risk of baldness is presently not recommended because it is unreliable. 
  • Hormonal imbalances: When females experience fluctuation in their hormones their hair starts thinning. Postpartum hair loss, changes in recommended contraception, and menopause can all cause hormone-inducing pattern hair loss and change the consistency of the hair growth. 

    Menopause is a leading cause of female hair loss. A woman's body generates less estr-ogen and proge-sterone hormones during menopause which may affect her D-H-T (Dihydrot-estost-erone) hormone. D-H-T is known to play a role in hair growth and has a link with hair follicle shrinkage. Hair grows more slowly and gets significantly thinner when these hormones fall. 

    Currently, it is unclear if andr-ogens (male s-e-x hormones) play a role in FPHL, despite their evident function in male pattern baldness. Most women with FPHL have normal amounts of andr-ogens in their circulation. As a result of this unclear association, the term FPHL is recommended over 'female androgenetic alopecia'.
  • Age: With advancing age, the risk of having FPHL increases. Hence, females after menopause are more likely to suffer from FPHL.  

For more details get in touch with a dermatologist and hair loss doctor in Bangalore at Dr. Rasya Dixit at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic.

Dr. Rasya Dixit, a hair loss specialist in Bangalore, first identifies the cause of hair loss. She also conducts several blood tests, biopsies of the scalp, and even a full medical history evaluation to determine the cause. Then, she provides a carefully planned procedure.

A head full of healthy hair can transform your overall look and confidence, and even help you feel more feminine and more beautiful. So what are you waiting for? Regain your feminine locks with the best hair loss treatment today!

Female Pattern Hair Loss Treatments

FPHL is manageable, with hair loss treatments provided by a dermatologist. It is critical to limit expectations when seeking treatment, as the goal of any FPHL treatment is to halt or stop the onset of hair loss rather than encourage hair regrowth. However, some women have hair regrowth after treatment for female pattern hair loss. The results are variable for every female with pattern hair loss and it is impossible to predict who may benefit from treatment. A dermatologist can help determine the best treatment option for female pattern hair loss after assessing the health of the scalp. 

The effective remedies for female pattern hair loss, suggested by dermatologists include:

  • Mino-xidil

A mino-xidil solution is beneficial for FPHL. It is a prescription topical hair growth stimulating medication that can be applied on the hair thinning or bald areas of the scalp. It is available in 2% and 5% solutions. The stronger formulation is more likely to irritate the scalp skin and may result in unwanted hair growth on areas other than the scalp.

  • Hormonal Treatment

Many hormone-based oral drugs can limit the effects of andro-gens and further help treat hair loss.

A combination of low-dose oral mino-xidil (2.5 mg daily) with spirono-lactone (25 mg daily) has been proven to dramatically promote hair growth, minimise shedding, and increase hair density.

  • Pla-telet-rich plas-ma (P-R-P) Therapy

Plat-elet-rich plas-ma therapy is a minimally invasive option to treat female pattern hair loss in Bangalore. The procedure involves drawing the blood of the patient from her arm, centrifuging the blood to separate the blood components, processing it to isolate the pla-telet-enriched plas-ma, and finally injecting the P-R-P solution into the thinning or balding areas of the scalp. 

As P-R-P contains more concentration of natural growth factors, injecting P-R-P improves blood supply to the hair follicles and increases the thickness of the hair shafts, thereby promoting healthy, thick hair growth. 

P-R-P hair fall control treatment in Bangalore requires 3-6 initial treatments spread out over three to four months, every three to six weeks to deliver the desired results. A maintenance treatment should be performed every 6 to 9 months.

  • Mesotherapy

Hair mesotherapy involves injecting a cocktail of essential vitamins, minerals, amino acid mixtures, and other ingredients essential for hair growth into the mesoderm of the scalp affected by hair loss. This therapy is beneficial for preventing hair loss, replenishing hair follicles, thickening thin hairs, and strengthening and making existing hairs shinier. 

Patients may resume their normal activities immediately after the treatment. Multiple treatment sessions are required to get the desired results. 

Hair Loss Treatment for Women in Bangalore

Experiencing thinning hair, high hairline, and baldness can make anyone feel self-conscious about their looks.

At Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, Dr. Rasya Dixit and her team provide the best tailored and innovative hair loss treatment for women.

Wondering how Dr. Rasya Dixit's treatment can transform your self-image? Book a consultation to learn more!