Atopic dermatitis Treatment in Bangalore
Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic Dermatitis Treatment In Bangalore

Consult a dermatologist in Bangalore at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, to get rid of atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis is a common form of eczema (a long-lasting skin condition) in which the allergens and irritants enter easily through the altered skin barrier (as eczema damages the skin barrier function) and result in extremely itchy and painful rashes. The skin response caused in the eczema condition is caused as a result of the hypersensitive response of the skin in which Immunoglobulin E is produced in large numbers by the body to fight against the foreign bodies (acting as antigens) called allergens.

This skin condition is prevalent in all races and age groups, but it especially begins to develop in early infancy period. The condition can affect people of any age and cause discomfort and pain at the affected skin area. The reason for its appearance is found to be genetic and environmental factors. Atopic dermatitis can be painful (contact dermatitis) and can also cause a burning sensation, itchy skin, and, worst painful flare-ups (mostly at night time).

One must make a note that this is a common skin condition that isn’t contagious. People suffering from asthma or allergies are at more risk of developing eczema.

What triggers flare-ups of atopic dermatitis?

Many a time, hereditary factors are considered responsible for causing eczema. Many kinds of research are conducted to determine the major cause, but the cause of disease in patients can vary. But some observed triggers are:

  • Dry and cold weather conditions.
  • Sweating.
  • Time taking hot water baths or showers.
  • Chemical irritants such as detergents, cleaners, and harsh soaps.
  • Some garments made up of synthetic or woolen fabrics.
  • Physical irritants like dust, smoke, and dirt.
  • Stress.
  • Vigorous exercises or physical activities.
  • Allergens such as pollen and pet dander.
  • Smoking.
  • Skin contact with irritants.
  • Harsh soaps.

Some clinical features of atopic dermatitis

  • Flaky skin.
  • Severely dry or fissured skin.
  • Redness.
  • High restlessness caused by extreme itching.
  • Scaly and crusty skin.
  • Raised bumps that may crust or sometimes ooze fluids (pus, blood, or serum).
  • Peeling.
  • Lichenified skin (thick).
  • Bumps on the skin.
  • Scaly, leathery patches of skin.

Seek the Help of Dermatologist to Get a Cure of Atopic Dermatitis

The treatment provided by a dermatologist can help to manage atopic dermatitis. Dr. Rasya Dixit, skin doctor in Bangalore creates a treatment plan that is unique to one’s needs. It is important to follow the plan prescribed by the doctor, to manage the condition. Most of these plans include proper skincare, medical therapies, and following the tips to avoid flare-ups.

Effective control for this skin problem is designed to

  • Ease pain and lessen itching.
  • Prevent and clear the infection.
  • Not allow the creation of new skin lesions.
  • Minimize inflammation.

Treatment available at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic for reducing and managing atopic dermatitis symptoms includes

  • Prescription of antibiotics (in case of infection) to get rid of bacteria.
  • Antihistamines that treat itching caused by allergens. It is useful for controlling dermographism and other kinds of urticaria in some individuals suffering from atopic dermatitis.
  • Application of diluted coal tar to get relief from scaling.
  • Topical medications such as ointments or creams containing corticosteroid and hydrocortisone (low potency corticosteroid) to get control of inflamed and itchy skin. If the patient is hospitalized, then strong corticosteroid creams are applied and covered with wet bandages to treat widespread lesions.
  • Immunosuppressant drugs or anti-inflammatory agents that are used to treat unresponsive cases.
  • Immunotherapy to strengthen the weakened immune system for a person above 2 years.
  • Immunomodulators such as topical calcineurin inhibitors. For sensitive body parts like genitals, skin folds, and eyelids. Other new topical agents available are phosphor-di esterase 4 inhibitors are also recommended to manage the flare-ups.
  • Narrowband UVB phototherapy can be combined with topical treatments for quick and better results.
  • Use of biological agents to block the pathway of the inflammation process. It is a new and emerging systematic treatment.
  • Wet Dressing Application. In this treatment, the affected area is wrapped with topical medication, and wet bandages have proven effective with certain forms of eczema.

Other ways of treating atopic dermatitis

  • Over-the-counter skincare: Emollients to make the skin slippery and antiseptics to prevent bacterial colonization of the skin are essential topical treatments for atopic dermatitis patients (apply as advised by a dermatologist).
  • Lifestyle modifications: This includes keeping the skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water and moisturizing it daily after taking a bath. Other preventive measures are not using harsh cosmetic products, wearing soft and loose garments, maintaining hygiene, and avoiding scratching at night.  
  • People with eczema must take a lukewarm shower for no more than 10 minutes and must use mild soap for bathing.
  • Pat dry the skin carefully with a towel, and must one dry their skin aggressively.

To get the best eczema treatment in Bangalore, book an appointment with Dr. Rasya Dixit at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic.

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FAQs About Atopic Dermatitis in Bangalore

We like to assist our clients with a knowledgeable and in-depth collective approach to answer for all your queries and fears with our FAQ mega-base.

Can weather conditions make eczema worse?

Dry air condition or low humidity can cause skin dryness, and increased sweating can worsen skin itching.

How is atopic dermatitis diagnosed? What tests are done?

Dr. Rasya Dixit, the eczema treatment doctor in Bangalore, performs the physical test of the skin. Then look for the signs like redness and dryness and ask the patient the symptoms they are experiencing. Following tests are performed to diagnose atopic dermatitis or eczema: Allergy skin test Blood test Rash assessment.rarely Skin biopsy is done to diagnose the type of dermatitis.

Disclaimer- Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology reserves all the rights of this website. The information published on this website is correct to the best of our knowledge. However, this is generic in nature and does not apply to an individual case.